Our manifesto
In a constantly evolving world, the choices we make in investment have a significant impact. We believe in responsible investments for a sustainable and ethical food chain.

We Nurture the future of food
The food sector is at the heart of major challenges with decisive economic, environmental, and societal impacts for our futures.
Participating in food transition is therefore primarily about restoring value to food, for those who produce it as well as for those who consume it every day. It’s about better food for all of us and for the Earth.
We are food entrepreneur-investors with an unchanged purpose since our inception: to inject and generate truly sustainable value, namely that which is wealth for all.
We align financial resources, human trajectories, and strong ideas to accelerate the development of companies moving in the right direction, thus advancing an entire sector.
Because nowadays, funding alone is no longer enough, we are convinced that having an impact and sustainable value creation strategy is the key to generating long-term financial value.
And if we believe in numbers and evidence more than communication effects, there is one word that resonates particularly with us. An English word that reflects us as much as it unites us: NURTURE.
Because to nurture is not only to feed but also to support, inspire, value, and share.
To nurture is a movement towards others.
Trough our FrenchFood network – a formidable collective of decision-makers and committed actors in the sector – and our events such as the Foodcamps, we circulate energies, experiences, and expertise in the same direction: making food transition a wealth for all.

To lead our project, 'building together' requires the broadest and most diverse collective intelligence possible.
News and analysis